Search by the «esp32c2» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic article Review Translation Apply 📘 How to start with ESP32-C2 (ESP8684) PWM (ledc) ESP-IDF VSCode How to start with the new interesting ESP32C2 (ESP8684) SoC using modern and convenient VSCode IDE. esp32c2esp8684espvscodevisual studio codeidepwmledc 25.02.2024 742 admin 0 Fixing ESP32 incorrect PWM frequency and UART rubbish characters (XTAL Frequency) Fixing incorrect predefined XTAL (onboard crystal) frequency, that cause incorrect frequency of output PWM signal and rubbish charactersin debug terminal. esp32espesp32-c2c2idfxtalcpucrystalfrequencyesp8284esp32c2 10.02.2024 431 admin 0